How to Survive Midterms Like a Pro

It’s kind of crazy to think that we’re already at midterms! That’s right, only half a semester left until everyone can flock back to their small towns or summer houses. But, don’t get carried away daydreaming about all of the Chads you’re going to hookup with this summer because you still have to survive midterms. Here’s a short guide of how to stay alive during one of the worst times in the semester!



I don’t care what anyone says, being a crybaby can be liberating sometimes. Of course, there’s a time and a place to let the tears flow. Please do not be that person sobbing in the back of class during midterm presentations, or the one who runs to the bathroom before a test to stress cry. Instead, save your tears for the pillow, or at least your living room. But, trust me when I say after stress crying about all your midterms, you will feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.



Okay, technically when you have a test and a seven page paper due in one day, it’s probably not the best idea to take a three hour nap. But, if you’re so stressed, frustrated, and mentally fatigued, there’s no way you will be able to write a seven page paper or even study for your test. So, procrastinate a little bit and let your dreams whisk you away.

Binge Watch & Eat


Do you know when the perfect time to start binge watching a TV show is? Midterms. There’s nothing like speed typing an essay an hour before it’s due, just to turn it in then to hide in your room for the rest of the day. Reward yourself during midterms. You just wrote an essay? Binge watch one season of a TV show. You just aced your test? Binge watch another season of a TV show AND veg out with some of your favorite food you ordered from Postmates (because who actually wants to cook after midterms?).

Treat Yourself

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Take it a hint from Donna Meagle and Tom Haverford and treat yourself. Shopping is one of the best ways to get rid of your midterm stress. Have you been eyeing a designer purse? Treat yourself. Do you need to revamp your wardrobe? Treat yourself. Are you going somewhere for spring break and want to impress all the bros you meet? Treat yourself. I’ve discovered that some of the nicest most understanding people work in retail. They will surely cheer you up from your midterm woes.

Shots, Shots, Shots

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Honestly, one of my favorite ways to survive midterms is by drinking away my problems. Is it healthy? Not necessarily. In my defense, health studies have discovered wine and tequila are great for your health (when you drink it responsibly and in moderation of course). There are two approaches to this. Either grab a few of your funnest friends who are also struggling with midterms and head to your favorite bar, or buy a bottle of wine and drink it by yourself while you gaze at the essay that hasn’t written itself yet (how rude).

Sweat it Out


 Let’s face it: your health flies out of the window and jumps off a bridge during midterms. If you’re anything like me and resort to your favorite guilty pleasure foods and start drinking like a fish to get you through midterms, your body will eventually shut down. Okay, it won’t really shut down. But, you’ll probably feel like crap. So, start a detox and head to the gym.

On the other hand, if you are a responsible healthy adult who doesn’t go wild during midterms, you should still head to the gym to sweat out your midterm stress and frustration. Then again, if you’re a responsible healthy adult who can handle midterms like a normal person, you probably aren’t reading this.

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