I Survived Winter Break. Where’s My Trophy?

Yes, that’s right: I have survived another winter break. I’m sure winter break is bittersweet for everybody. But, I’m also sure that winter break is just a little bit more bitter than sweet for people who go to college in New York City. If you’re like me, there’s nothing worse than being excited for winter break only to be slapped with the grueling reality that you’re forced to retreat to your small hometown.

If you’re from a big city, go screw yourself because this obviously doesn’t apply to you. Unfortunately, most NYC college students are from minuscule unimportant towns across the United States. My hometown happens to be a little beach resort on the East Coast. And while it’s a blast to live in during the summer, it’s a bitch to be in during the winter because it’s practically a ghost town. There’s literally nothing to do in my hometown except party and screw each other. That’s why we have a high rate of drug addiction and teen pregnancy (luckily I beat both).

I remember the week leading up to winter break. All of my friends left before me, and I was forced to be a sad girl by myself in the Big Apple for one day. There was barely anyone in my dorm building (don’t shame me for dorming), and that made me even sadder. So, I did what any sad responsible young adult does and went to Duane Reade to buy pizza rolls and wine, only to find out that the residential office was doing room inspections and they confiscated my tapestries and lights, which I will eventually be fined for. What. A. Buzzkill.

After that little incident, it was safe to say I was beyond done with NYC. I was alone, sad, and coming down from post-final stress. So, I happily hopped in my Uber to Port Authority and made the five hour trek home. Like any little getaway, I was initially thrilled to be home. For the first time in a few months I literally had no obligations. I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to and I didn’t have to worry about having any responsibilities. So, I slept way too much, went into too many food comas, and drank excessively. But, by the end of the first week I was so over it. I was tired of going to the same restaurants and seeing the same people everyday. I longed for the excitement and adventure that NYC has. Also, I was tired of driving everywhere. Sure, walking or taking the subway isn’t always the best experience, but I longed for being able to take a long walk without having to worry about being ran over by a truck because the roads are windy and not designed for pedestrians.

In order to soothe my longing for NYC, I decided I would go home for two weeks, then go back to NYC for the other two weeks of winter break. Well, the universe laughed at that plan and gave me a big F.U because we got so much snow and ice in my hometown that I was forced to stay for an extra week. And while I may have thrown a small fit and went on a little Twitter rant over the weather screwing up my plans to escape my sad little hometown, I’m actually happy I stayed for an extra week because I ended up catching up with some people I thought I would never see again and going to some wild parties that I will remember forever (I know, I’m cliche and corny. Sue me).

So, that leads me to today. I woke up at the crack of dawn to get into the car and make the trek back to the Big Apple. Thank god for my dad who so graciously decided to drive me back to school, so I didn’t have to take the bus. Although the I welcomed the city stank and the homey-feeling of my apartment-style dorm room, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit sad that I was leaving home.

Ew, what am I even saying? Of course I’m not sad I’m back at school. I’ll be back in my hometown for another crazy summer before I know it. Until then, stick around to read what wild things I get myself into this semester.


NYC College Babe

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